We welcome suggestions for future articles, tips or corrections, website-related feedback, requests for additional information, et cetera .
We also welcome guest articles for publication. Please scroll down to the For Article Submissions section to learn about the process for article submission.
Please contact the editor at the following e-mail address: editor@curiouscitizen.org
Please contact the webmaster at the following e-mail address: webmaster@curiouscitizen.org
The Curious Citizen welcomes guest submissions for publication.
Please contact us with your submission according to the below guidelines at the following e-mail address: submissions@curiouscitizen.org
We will respond to your submission within one calendar week.
E-mail subject line: Article Submission
Submissions should be between 1000 and 5000 words in length. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will still be considered for publication.
Please attach your submission to the e-mail in PDF, DOCX, or TXT format.
In your e-mail, please submit two suggested titles and two corresponding suggested subtitles for your article.